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how to see: an in-depth guide to street photography
2024 . 9 hour masterclass (3 min trailer)
This in-depth Street Photography class is designed to teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about street photography. It’s my intention to help you find and refine your own unique artistic voice through the art of street photography and pass on all of the knowledge and experience that I’ve acquired so that you feel inspired, confident and skilled enough to consistently create powerful, meaningful, interesting street photographs.
director/instructor. troy baird
dp. ryan mitchell & kyle ross
editor. maxine shewan
upside down and backwards
2023 . 9 mins
Ross Howard-Jones is a wet plate photographer based in Vancouver, Canada. UPSIDE DOWN AND BACKWARDS explores his process and philosophy in relation to creating powerful and timeless moments using the historical and dying traditional process of wet plate photography. He is apart of the new generation of old school photography.
director. troy baird
dp. jake dyson
editor. maxine shewan
charles bound: ceramic artist
2025 . 5 mins
An atmospheric and detailed walk-through of Charles Bound’s work and space in rural Wales.
director/dp. troy baird
harry wade: abstract artist
2024 . 3 min
A look into the philosophies and practices of abstract artist Harry Wade.
director/dp. troy baird
elle brown: sculptor
2023 . 2 min
A visual duet between Elle Brown and one of her subjects.
director/dp. troy baird
sara lee roberts: artist
2023 . 2 min
A visual exploration of Sara Lee Roberts' London studio.
director/dp. troy baird
composer. edmund roberts
joe arnold: painter
2023 . 3 min
A journey with painter, Joe Arnold, as he chooses what to paint next.
director/cinematographer. troy baird
pale naked romance
2018 . 6 min
PALE NAKED ROMANCE is an affectionate and vulnerable piece that explores romance and all of it's confusions.
director. troy baird
original score. josh pearson
editor. aimee kubo
another hazy may
2019 . 3 min
ANOTHER HAZY MAY follows self-taught, Ukrainian painter and realist, Kateryna, whose controversial opinions and ruthless tone of voice pack a punch of truth.
director. troy baird
dp. jake dyson
music by. oliver tank
colourist. matt campbell
2016 . 6 min
A stylised fly-on-the-wall portrait of a musician moving into profound new teritory. In his elements, we engage with Timberwolf (Chris Panousakis) as he lets his creative process manifest during a 48-hour studio dash. Leading a team of musicians, we study his talent and musical finesse through moments of inspiring elegance.
director/dp. troy baird
editor. phoenix chisholm
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